Delivery Checklist
Be prepared. Though not every delivery is an unexpected rush to the emergency room, it's always a good idea to be prepared for something as important as the birth of your child. Here's a few things we at Eastern New Mexico Medical Center think you'll be thankful you brought along on the big day:
- Photo identification and/or insurance forms
- Nightgown (make sure it is open in the front if you plan on breastfeeding)
- Slippers and/or socks
- Nursing bra (supports swollen, tender breasts and helps keep breast pads in place)
- Underwear
- Breast pads (whether or not you are breastfeeding, breast pads absorb milk and prevent leaking.)
- Nursing pillow (can be used if you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding; either way, they help reduce the strain on your arms, neck and back when feeding your baby)
- Sanitary napkins/pads (choose a brand designed for a heavier menstruation)
- Toiletries (brush, toothbrush/paste, deodorant, lotion, lip balm)
- Headband/ponytail holders
- Favorite personal items (blanket, pillow, etc.)
- Receiving blanket - newborns love to be swaddled.
- Scratch mittens for baby (protects newborns from doing any harm to themselves with their nails)
- Newborn diapers
- Coming-home outfit for baby and mom (for mom, choose something that fit when around the sixth month of pregnancy)
- Properly installed car seat
- Camera and/or video camera
For more information, please contact: (575) 626-9108.